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Naxos Clubs

Day Night: At the start of the port road, with a panoramic view to the port and the castle of Naxos, you can enjoy from early in the afternoon cocktails. In the evening, you can enjoy and dance with Greek and other kinds of music.

Ocean Dance: One of the best clubs in town, skillful Dj’s and barmen, the latest club hits and clean drinks. Excellent service and great mood.

Ghetto: On the Grotta’s area, spacious club with good music, big dance floor and a great view to the Aegean Sea. Loud dance music and clear drinks.

Ceasar’s: Nice place with good decoration, ideal for dance and fun. All kinds of music. Big balcony with a great view to the port of Naxos.

Gallery: Greek music only. If you want to see how Greeks are spending their nights take a look at this club at the end of the port road.

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